145 research outputs found

    Fear or Greed? Duty or Solidarity? Motivations and Stages of Moral Reasoning: Experimental Evidences from Public-Goods Provision Dilemmas

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    As economists increasingly recognize the limits of the canonical self-interest assumption, the lack of a theory of human valuation that clearly specifies what determines an individual’s utility judgments renders the prediction of behavior in social dilemmas virtually impossible.  In this study, we examined the explanatory power of a structuralist-constructivist theory of adult development and this theory’s analytical significance to the understanding of behavioral diversity in situations where individual and collective interests collide. Experimental results suggest that the theoretical constructs built into the selected theory provide a reliable basis for predicting participants’ behavior when presented with two different collective-action dilemmas under diverse institutional conditions.social dilemmas, experimental economics, sociocognitive and moral reasoning, adult development, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, C72, C92, D74,

    Desenvolvimento econômico e Desmatamento na Amazônia Legal: Uma Análise Econométrica

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é testar empiricamente a hipótese ambiental de Kuznets aplicada ao relacionamento entre a taxa de desmatamento e a renda per capita nos estados da Amazônia Legal, além analisar o comportamento da taxa de desmatamento e da dinâmica populacional no período de 1990-2004. O teste econométrico utilizado para avaliar a hipótese ambiental de Kuznets é baseado na estimação de dois modelos específicos de regressão, o primeiro representa uma função quadrática e o segundo uma função cúbica, em que a taxa de desmatamento é a variável explicada, e a renda per capita, a densidade demográfica e o ano são as explicativas. Na estimação dos parâmetros utilizou-se a modelagem de dados em painel para efeitos aleatórios. Os resultados mostram que para a função quadrática original da hipótese ambiental de Kuznets apresentou resultado inverso ao esperado. Para função cúbica, a estimação da função apresenta evidência estatística de adequação aos pressupostos da curva “U” ambiental, para renda inferior a R6.000,00.Theobjectiveofthisstudyistotestthehypothesisempirically,environmentalKuznetsappliedtotherelationshipbetweentherateofdeforestationinpercapitaincomeinthestatesofAmazoniaLegal,besidesanalyzingthebehavioroftherateofdeforestationandpopulationdynamicsintheperiodof19902004.TheeconometrictestusedtoassesstheenvironmentalKuznetshypothesisisbasedontheestimationoftwospecificmodelsofregression,thefirstisafunctionquadraticandcubicaccordingtoafunction,wheretherateofdeforestationisthevariableexplained,andthepercapitaincome,thepopulationdensityandtheyeararetheexplanatory.Intheestimationoftheparametersusedtomodelingdatainpanelforrandomeffects.TheresultsshowthatforthequadraticfunctionoftheoriginalhypothesisofenvironmentalKuznetspresentedtotheoppositeresultexpected.Forcubicfunction,theestimationofthefunctionpresentsstatisticalevidenceoftheappropriatenessoftheassumptionscurve"U"environmental,rentforlessthan 6.000,00. The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis empirically, environmental Kuznets applied to the relationship between the rate of deforestation in per capita income in the states of Amazonia Legal, besides analyzing the behavior of the rate of deforestation and population dynamics in the period of 1990-2004. The econometric test used to assess the environmental Kuznets hypothesis is based on the estimation of two specific models of regression, the first is a function quadratic and cubic according to a function, where the rate of deforestation is the variable explained, and the per capita income, the population density and the year are the explanatory. In the estimation of the parameters used to modeling data in panel for random effects. The results show that for the quadratic function of the original hypothesis of environmental Kuznets presented to the opposite result expected. For cubic function, the estimation of the function presents statistical evidence of the appropriateness of the assumptions curve "U" environmental, rent for less than 6.000,00.Desmatamento, renda per capita, dados de painel, densidade demográfica, Deforestation, per capita income, environmental degradation, population density, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Perfil das cooperativas de crédito mútuo do estado de Minas Gerais

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    Given the relevance of the credit unions at national and world level, the objective of this work was to describe the profile of the financial cooperatives from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. This study is based on data collected in the period of May to June of 2004, and the sample of 18.85% of the population was selected to supply data. The results indicate that the cooperatives were, on average, 16 years old; 92% of the associates that requested loans were assisted; the delinquent loans level were of 22.34%; and older cooperatives established smaller interest rates than the new ones. The managers had appropriate perception of the true meaning of a cooperative and they agreed with the cooperative principle of voluntary and open membership. In general, credit unions serve their members supplying services with smaller costs than the bank system, thus, they provide financial service to low-income people accomplishing their role in the microfinance system.Credit unions, Microfinance, Minas Gerais, Financial Economics,


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    O estudo buscou avaliar a contribuição do setor transporte para a economia brasileira. Especificamente, pretendeu-se determinar os setores capazes de propagar efeitos sistêmicos acima da média da economia como também mensurar os impactos econômicos na produção, emprego e renda, resultantes de alterações na demanda final. Para tal, utilizou-se o modelo de insumo-produto, já que este instrumental possibilita verificar as ligações entre os setores produtivos por meio dos índices de ligações de Rasmussen-Hirschman, campos de influência e índices puros de ligações, bem como determinar os efeitos de variações na demanda final sobre a produção, a renda e o emprego através das análises dos multiplicadores. Os resultados revelaram que o setor transporte não foi classificado como setor-chave a partir desses instrumentais empregados em 2005. No entanto, este setor apresentou considerável poder de compra e de venda sobre a ótica do índice de Rasmussen-Hirschman e dos índices puros de ligação, não mostrando capacidade de influenciar os demais setores pela análise do campo de influência. Ademais, verificou-se que o aumento de uma unidade monetária na demanda final dos setores de transporte considerados causaria um acréscimo de mais de duas unidades monetárias na produção, no emprego e na renda da economia, considerando o consumo das famílias como exógeno ao processo produtivo. Assim, dada a importância da contribuição do setor de transporte para a economia brasileira, políticas públicas devem destinar atenção para esse setor.-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------The study looked for to evaluate the contribution of the transport sector for the Brazilian economy. Specifically, it intended to determine the sections capable to spread systemic effects above the average of the economy as well as to measure the economical impacts in the production, job and income, resultants of alterations in the final demand. For such, the input-output model was used, since this instrumental one makes possible to verify the linkages among the productive sectors through the indexes of Rasmussen-Hirschman, influence fields and pure indexes linkages, as well as to determine the effects of variations in the final demand on the production, the income and the job through the analyses of the multipliers. The results revealed that the transport sector was not classified as key sector to leave of those instrumental employees. However, that sector presented purchasing power and of sale on the optics of Rasmussen-Hirschman's index and of the pure indexes of linkages, not showing capacity to influence the other sections for the analysis of the influence field. Besides, it was verified that the increase of 1 real in the final demand of the transport sector would cause an increment of more than 2 real in the production, in the job and in the income of the economy, considering the consumption of the families out of the productive process. Like this, given the importance of the contribution of the transport sector for the Brazilian economy, the public politics should destine attention for that sector.transporte, insumo-produto, relações intersetoriais, multiplicadores, transport, input-output, relationships among sectors, multipliers, International Development,

    Transgenerational transmission of trauma and resilience: a qualitative study with Brazilian offspring of Holocaust survivors

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    Background: Over the past five decades, clinicians and researchers have debated the impact of the Holocaust on the children of its survivors. the transgenerational transmission of trauma has been explored in more than 500 articles, which have failed to reach reliable conclusions that could be generalized. the psychiatric literature shows mixed findings regarding this subject: many clinical studies reported psychopathological findings related to transgenerational transmission of trauma and some empirical research has found no evidence of this phenomenon in offspring of Holocaust survivors.Method: This qualitative study aims to detect how the second generation perceives transgenerational transmission of their parents' experiences in the Holocaust. In-depth individual interviews were conducted with fifteen offspring of Holocaust survivors and sought to analyze experiences, meanings and subjective processes of the participants. A Grounded Theory approach was employed, and constant comparative method was used for analysis of textual data.Results: the development of conceptual categories led to the emergence of distinct patterns of communication from parents to their descendants. the qualitative methodology also allowed systematization of the different ways in which offspring can deal with parental trauma, which determine the development of specific mechanisms of traumatic experience or resilience in the second generation.Conclusions: the conceptual categories constructed by the Grounded Theory approach were used to present a possible model of the transgenerational transmission of trauma, showing that not only traumatic experiences, but also resilience patterns can be transmitted to and developed by the second generation. As in all qualitative studies, these conclusions cannot be generalized, but the findings can be tested in other contexts.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, BR-04023061 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, BR-04023061 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Determinantes de desmatamento em pólos de produção agropecuária no estado do Acre, Amazônia Brasileira

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    O desenvolvimento da agricultura e da pecuária na Amazônia tem resultado na expansão dos desmatamentos, o que contribui para emissão de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera e redução da biodiversidade. A evolução dos desmatamentos realizada pelos produtores rurais é condicionada por características das famílais produtoras e pelo ambiente socioeconômico. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar os condicionantes de desmatamentos nos principais pólos de produção agropecuária familiar no estado do Acre. Foi utilizado o modelo econométrico logit multinomial para essa avaliação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que maior disponibilidade de mão-de-obra familiar, acesso a crédito, maior patrimônio, maior ocorrência de contratação de trabalho e titulação definitiva dos lotes de terra são fatores causais de maior desmatamento e que maior tamanho do lote e maior nível de consciência ambiental por parte dos produtores são fatores que atuam para a menor proporção de terra desmatada nas pequenas propriedades. Os resultados mostram que melhoria na renda e riqueza das famílias não tem resultado em maior preservação das matas nativas nas regiões estudadas, o que indica que políticas de melhoria de renda e qualidade de vida devem ser acompanhadas de medidas que favoreçam a conservação dos recursos naturais, especialmente a redução dos desmatamentos.----------------------------------------------The development of agricultural and cattle production has addressed larger deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, and it lead to greenhouse gas emissions and to biodiversity loss. The increase in the deforestation made by settlers is linked by factors related to household features and microeconomic environment. The objective of this study was to identify the determinant factors for deforestation in main region of household agricultural production in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon. The methodology is based on multinomial logistic econometric model. The results show that household labor, access to credit, farmer wealth, hired labor and land tenure favor the deforestation, while greater farm size and environmental-consciousness reduce deforestation.Agricultura familiar, logit multinomial, crédito rural, direito de propriedade, consciência ambiental, household agriculture, multinomial logistic, land tenure, credit, environmental-consciousness, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Analisou-se a elasticidade de transmissão de preços e a formação espacial entre as principais regiões produtoras de leite do Brasil, no período de 1997 a 2005, pela análise de co-integração, e pelo Modelo Vetorial de Correção de Erro (VEC). Os resultados evidenciaram que a variação de 1% nos preços recebidos pelos produtores de leite de Minas Gerais leva a uma variação de 0,38%, 0,72%, 0,93% e 0,26% nos preços em São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná e Goiás, respectivamente. Pela estimação do VEC os coeficientes do Paraná e São Paulo, em módulo, foram comparativamente maiores aos demais. São Paulo foi menos interdependente, indicando comportamento mais isolado no padrão de liderança preço. Verificou-se que, com o passar dos meses os preços de Minas Gerais, explica grande proporção da variabilidade dos preços de leite ao produtor dos estados, corroborando a importância relativa do estado na formação espacial de preços deste mercado. ----------------------------------------------It was analyzed elasticity of transmission of prices and the space formation enters the main milk producing regions of Brazil, in the period of 1997 the 2005, for the analysis of co-integration, and the Vectorial Model of Correction of Error (VEC). The results had evidenced respectively that the variation of 1% in the value receiveds for the producers of milk of Minas Gerais leads to a variation of 0,38%, 0.72%, 0.93% and 0.26% in the prices in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Goiás. For the esteem of the VEC the coefficients of the Paraná and São Paulo, in module, had been comparativily bigger to excessively. São Paulo was less interdependent, indicating more isolated behavior in the leadership standard price. The relative importance of the state in the space formation of prices of this market was verified that, with passing of the months the prices of Minas Gerais, explain great ratio of the variability of the prices of milk to the producer of the states, corroborating.Leite, Comercialização Agrícola, Transmissão de Preços, Milk, Agricultural Commercialization, Transmission of Prices, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    A expansão da agricultura e da pecuária tem sido considerada como a principal causa do desmatamento que se processa na Amazônia. A decisão de escolha do sistema de uso da terra é um elemento determinante dos níveis de desmatamento e fatores relacionados às características da família e Ao ambiente socioeconômico antecedem as decisões de adoção desses sistemas. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar os condicionantes da adoção dos diferentes sistemas de uso da terra nos principais pólos de produção agropecuária familiar no estado do Acre. Utilizou-se o modelo econométrico SUR nessa avaliação. Os resultados mostram que direito de propriedade, contratação de mão-de-obra e origem do produtor na região norte do Brasil favorecem a adoção dos sistemas agrícolas de ciclo curto; acesso a financiamento e contratação de mão-de-obra favorecem o uso de sistemas de ciclo médio; maior distância de estradas pavimentadas, acesso a financiamento e maior riqueza acumulada favorecem a adoção de sistema de ciclo longo; a adoção do sistema pecuário é favorecida por maior distância de estradas pavimentadas, acesso a financiamento, maior riqueza acumulada, contratação de mão-de-obra e idade do produtor; enquanto que o acesso a financiamento, o direito de propriedade definitiva, o acúmulo de riqueza, a maior contratação de mão-de-obra e a maior idade do produtor concorrem para reduzir a parcela de floresta primária conservada, com conseqüente maior nível de desmatamento.---------------------------------------------The expansion of agricultural and cattle production has been considered the main cause of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The decision taking about land use system is a decisive element for levels of deforestation and factors related to household feature and microeconomic environment precede the decisions of those land use systems. The objective of this study was to identify the determinant factors for adoption of different land use systems in region main of household agricultural production in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon. The methodology is based on SUR econometric model. The results show that land tenure, hired labor and the origin of settlers (north of Brazil) favor the adoption of annual and semiannual food crops systems; access to credit and hired labor address the use of semi perennial crops systems; the greater distance of paved highways, access to credit and larger wealth favor the adoption of perennial crops system; the adoption of the cattle system is motivated by the increase in the distance to paved highways, access to credit and larger farmer wealth, hired labor and settler age; while access to credit, land tenure, larger farmer wealth, hired labor and settler age induce to reduce the primary forest portion followed by larger levels of deforestation.sistema de produção, agricultura familiar, SUR, crédito agrícola, desmatamento, farm system, household agriculture, Amazon, SUR, land tenure, deforestation, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Perfil de consumo de nutrientes nas principais regiões metropolitanas do Brasil

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the pattern of nutrient intake in major metropolitan region of Brazil, seeking to identify the nutrient intake adequacy in the Brazilian families, and their evolution over time. The Almost Ideal System (AIDS) model was employed to estimate the demand for nutrients. The data used are from the Household Budget Survey of 1995 and 2003. The results indicated that the nutrient demand of the population has poor sensitivity to changes in prices. In addition, families tend to demand relatively more fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates than vitamins and minerals. It was found that there was worsening in the pattern of intake for most nutrients from 1995 to 2003, in relation to daily nutrient recommendations. Thus, despite the favorable changes to food consumption that have occurred in last decades, it is perceived deterioration in standards of intake of nutrients.Nutrient demand, Household Budget Survey, Almost Ideal Demand System Model, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,